Monday, January 5, 2009

Jump Already

Anyone ever see Pink Floyd's "The Wall?" Or any movie where a character considers jumping out of a REALLY REALLY high window? That's how I feel right now. I don't wanna die. I don't want a new home, relationship, or family (although a car would be nice). It's just that everytime I set foot into Sonic (my job for over a year and then some), I feel as though I lose half a million brain cells and just a tad bit more of my sanity. My tips come out of my check, that is the 10% of the tips I busted my ass for and am actually willing to report. I am more competent than half of the managers and yet I'm still making $6.55 an hour BEFORE my tips. Yeah, it's better than minimum wage just 3 months ago, but it still SUCKS when, after the electric bill, rent, groceries, etc., I still have a few dollars to my name and a half-broken back and sore feet I can't do anything with! I'm tired of busting MY ass to make every single customer discounts and coupons on late orders...sucking up my pride and taking the blame for OTHER people's mistakes just so someone will leave happily with their RIGHT order...just so I can get paid than the dumb bitches that refuse to do anything but scan so they can get their $20 in tips (versus my 8 or 9 since I'm always inside or only scan mess-ups) and then lie about it. They are making more than me to do virtually nothing. I swear, this place is literally making me CRAZY. I love the few good employees we do have (only an eighth of which will still be here by St. Patrick's day) but I'm just tired...tired of getting no recogition...tired of being yelled at because I took 6 minutes to put out an order. No offense, but if our customers have time to eat out, they can wait 6 freakin' minutes. We are always pressed to get orders out in less than 3...let me ask ya something, when have you EVER seen chicken or even a burger take LESS THAN 3 MINUTES to be cooked? Fries alone take 3 minutes. Grrr...

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